Advanced Topics
Environment and File Variable Substitution

Environment and file variable substitution

CloudQuery configuration .yml files support substitution of values from environment variables. This allows you to keep sensitive data (like passwords & tokens) or variable data (that you want to change without touching CloudQuery configuration) outside the configuration file and load them from environment variables at run-time.

Environment variable substitution example

Inside postgresql.yml:

kind: "destination"
  name: "postgresql"
    connection_string: ${PG_CONNECTION_STRING}

PG_CONNECTION_STRING will be sourced from the environment and replaced with the value of ${PG_CONNECTION_STRING} before processing.

File variable substitution example

Inside postgresql.yml:

kind: "destination"
  name: "postgresql"
    connection_string: ${file:./path/to/secret/file}

Local path ./path/to/secret/file will be read and replaced with the contents of the file before processing.

JSON files in older versions

If the file or environment variable being substituted in contains JSON, it should be imported as-is. If you're using CloudQuery version 3.5.0 or prior, it should be imported inside single quotes and content should be escaped with newlines removed.

kind: "destination"
  name: "bigquery"
    service_account_key_json: '${file:./path/to/secret/file.json}' # single quotes only for CLI versions 3.5.0 or prior